Do you set agreeable expectations?

On this lovely Sunday, we took a ride to the beach for a walk on the sand along the ocean.  I exclaimed it was beautiful and would love to come more often.  My husband replied, “that’s funny, the last time you couldn’t wait to leave!” I quickly recalled the scenario.  At that time, I was seeking a white sandy beach where we could lay on a beach blanket and enjoy the warmth of the sand and the sun.  Today’s adventure was entirely different – we set out to take a walk and we happily walked a couple of miles in the fresh balmy air.

I quickly recognized my expectations were not met the first time around.  The beach in question is not meant for baking in the sun.  It is truly meant for walking and taking your dog to chase balls into the water.  We then discusses setting expectations.  They must be clearly defined whether for personal reasons, on an interview for the perfect job or selling to a prospect.  When you make a request and want it granted plus receive accolades, you need to set an accurate description as to what the benefits will be for the other party or prospect.  The other person is buying into what they will get too.  Your marketing communication message needs to be succinct.  Your mindset should be focused on your words to make certain there are no misunderstandings and everyone will be happy with the outcome.

When you interview, are you clearly defining what the hiring manager can expect should they choose you to join the team?  Are you letting some of your personality be known through short story telling and relaying applicable experiences?  This is key for the interviewer to take a liking to you and recommend you as the lead candidate.  When selling, are you focused on what your prospects want, need and desire?  Do you convey that you are able to expertly deliver what they are seeking plus add a little more surpassing their expectations?

Based upon my new book, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, and with the help of Dr. Tina van Leuven, we are delivering an Open Call Nov 1 and a 3-part webinar series on how to relieve stress and anxiety, and land the job you desire. The techniques work for all aspects of your business and personal life too.  Expressing yourself clearly, setting expectations and building relationship will get you where you wish to go.

Additionally, all of these skills will help you easily earn a returning and referring clientele – the definition of a Smooth Sale!

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