Do you take everyone’s viewpoint into consideration on difficult matters?

Today’s question applies to everyone ? including salespeople and job seekers. ? In fact my story today is about “Charlie” who was in the final throws of interviewing and about to hear “HIRED!”

The entire job hunt process was going to perfection. ? It began with a referral from Charlie’s friend. ? The final request came from the Hiring Manager. ? He asked Charlie for a recommendation from a current client given Charlie was applying for a customer service position. ? This final request put Charlie in a very difficult situation. ? He had very good relationships with “almost” clients who decided not to move forward with his current company due to too much red tape. ? And, if Charlie were to ask for a recommendation from a current client it would jeopardize current potential sales as well as his current employment situation – yet – he wanted to satisfy the request.

Upon speaking to Charlie, he was advised to call the lost client and ask for a confidential conversation. ? After agreement he would then request the reference for the hiring company. ? At the same time, Charlie was advised to tell the hiring company the particulars of why he chose this reference. ? He was to include they had a good relationship but that Charlie’s current company turned down the business and it wasn’t the first time this occurred. ? He would emphasize this is the motivating reason for wanting to change jobs. ? ?

To Charlie’s delight, considering the legal implications, building relationships with everyone concerned (the lost client, hiring company and current company) – he soon had the job offer in hand. ? When you take the time to examine every piece of the puzzle to ensure continuing business, you are seen as a leader and attract on going sales plus additional prospects, clients and revenue. ? It is your marketing-communication effort in this case that makes the biggest difference.

Charlie did his homework perfecting every step of the process enabling himself to enjoy a very Smooth Sale!

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