Do you “go for it” carefree?
Long ago, I read Dale Carnegie’s suggestion to ask yourself “What’s the worst that can happen?” Most often our fear is far greater than the worst that can happen! ? Understanding this concept led me to live life more carefree.
We are attracted to like-minded friends, prospects, and clients, and we should be considering the same while on interviews. ? My friend shared a confidential letter with me that she sent to a U.S. Senator requesting the Senator speak at an upcoming international event. ? While it may seem far fetched on one level, for political reasons there remains a possibility the Senator will accept.
The coincidence is at the beginning of the week, I did something very similar. ? Knowing my new book, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews” is now for sale online and will be in bookstores by October 20th, I sent letters to state and national politicians too. ? It is a question of whether politics can be put aside for the betterment of the communities these people represent. ? I suggested a conference centered on better interviewing techniques, stress reduction, and building one’s brand in the ? cities these politicians represent and possibly use the book as a fundraiser.
Creativity and gumption is a requirement for entrepreneurship. ? Should no one respond to either of us, we have lost nothing. ? However, should either of us get a “yes” somewhere, then we will have gained everything. ? Fear does not enter into the equation, only the mindset of success. ? Building the relationship by presenting far reaching requests from the other party’s point of view brings about better results. ? When you communicate and market in this manner, you stand a far greater likelihood of becoming successful as you will attract far many more prospects, clients and sales.
Be the leader, take the risk of receiving a no or a yes. ? When you do this repeatedly, your business development explodes and you then you will experience many a Smooth Sale!