The potluck dinner seemed like a great application for collaboration…

I have heard stories of strange potluck dinners. At one such event, everyone chose to bring a simple dish such as brownies so there was actually no dinner served. A simple marketing survey would have avoided that problem. When you work in collaboration and coordinate your efforts, the results are far better – except for…

Last week was unbelievable. A friend did coordinate what everyone would bring to my home for our potluck. My plan was to fill the gaps with a main dish, beverages and a few extra sides because I love cooking and entertaining. It’s my passion. Since this was the first time a few of the people would be our guests, I prepared our favorite dishes. I proudly presented the food on the nicely decorated table. People gasped and then my dismay set in.

A couple of people refused to even taste what I had prepared; those who did taste the food had nothing nice to say. At first I was quite offended but then I began to think of the situation in terms of business. When things don’t work out I’m the one who advises to view it as your marketing research.

My mind drifted back to our holiday party last December. My son advised that 50’s style comfort food was in and suggested that’s what I should make. (For generations my family has loved cooking and serving!) I quickly recalled the food was a huge hit and everyone was raving about the party for weeks. I had food stations set up in each of the front rooms so that people would eat, drink, mix and mingle to meet new friends. And that’s when I quickly recognized my marketing research shows that for the people in our current social network I should not make gourmet food again but stick to the tried and true.

When you view business and interviews in this manner (including job interviews) – you will target what your prospects and clients want making your business development a whole lot easier. And when you add the elements of need and deep down desire – you will attract far many more sales. Word of mouth will spread that you are without a doubt a leader in the field and the relationships will build.

Adapting this mindset to focus in on your clientele or preferred job, you will see your revenue soaring without nearly as much effort – and that’s the mark of a truly Smooth Sale!

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