“Communication style influences your success”
In the rough tough corporate sales world, i continually heard the saying, “It’s a numbers game!” This reflected the thought of management that the more calls you made, whether in-person or on the phone, the more likelihood you would have to make a sale.
The problem with this philosophy is the attitude. While it’s true you need to be diligent about contacting old and new prospects for a higher probability of converting into an interview or client, the hunger for money is in your underlying tone. You can’t help but convey you are strictly calling to make money. So instead of encouraging a clientele, you will instead be turning them away.
I find the better approach is to make the same calls with the attitude of “Let’s update one another to find what’s new.” In the friendly approach of continuing to build relationships, my associates are always happy to update me and hear my news, too. The conversation is relaxed and usually invigorating helping to motivate one another. Sometimes we find unexpected ways to help one another.
Enjoying a cup of coffee out together works wonders too. This is the easiest style of business development for all concerned. As you lead the conversation, your marketing-communication ease has the other party regarding you as the expert in your field. And when the two of you can laugh together, a true bond is made.
The human connection and caring will generate more sales or the right job far more frequently than just playing the numbers game. This weekend take the time to make a list of those with whom you would like to reconnect. You just might be surprised as to the possibilities that develop when you are in a sincere conversation!
You will be headed toward many a Smooth Sale!