Good Customer Service will Advance to Increased Business

Art Dealer Mickael Casol - Christie´s New York

We finally entered the 21st century by purchasing a new television.  Compatibility with the boxes and wiring were an issue so my husband went to the cable company store.  He was handed a brand new cable box free of charge.  

Happy with the new toy in hand, my husband went to install the new hardware.  Unfortunately it did not work particularly well and to the point where an appointment was arranged to have the cable people personally stop by to help.  Upon their arrival, they admitted we were given a dead box.  They exchanged the box and installed everything quite efficiently.

Only upon their leaving, I went to make a business phone call.  It was strange that voice mail did not pick up, so I tried multiple other numbers including our home number.  The same busy tone was heard without voice mail kicking in.  

I called the company to get help.  After 5 minutes of screening, I got through to a representative.  Within two minutes we were disconnected.  I had to re-dial and make all the selections once again.  

The woman who answered said, “We don’t have your business phone on file so we can’t help you.”  I retorted, “It is your employees who caused the problem so you will need to fix it.”  After having wasted much time, all was finally resolved.

The point I’m making is do your very best upfront.  All of this nonsense could have been eliminated if the original box had just been tested prior to handing over to us.  

It is no fun to continually be fully dependent upon solely finding new prospects.  The art of building a thriving business is dependent upon the earning of repeat business, referrals and testimonials.  When our contract is up and the fees go way up, you can bet we will search for another company to deliver similar services.  

Hiring companies should heed their employee revolving door.  Are you losing employees due to ill treatment and how much is it costing your company?  The next time someone comes in well prepared on the interview think ahead to how long you will be able to keep them in your employ.

Customer service policies are a large part of your marketing communication effort, build your brand.  The policies will help differentiate you from everyone else when you execute well.  Be of the mindset to Build relationships with everyone, and, most of all, communicate well that you are there to serve.  

Encourage a returning and referring clientele – you will only then enjoy a continual Smooth Sale!

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