Lead to be the Leader and Successfully Develop Business


This past week it became evident many people do not know they need to take control of their meetings with prospects and clients.  This does not mean continual talking but instead it refers to asking questions, listening and clarifying for better understanding as to what’s being said.

Rules of etiquette apply to taking the lead as well.  When you ask someone to meet you for coffee or lunch, you are the one who should offer to pay.  Settling into your chairs comfortably, begin the conversation by asking “What’s new?”  Only in this manner will you quickly get to know what’s important to the other person.  After they fill you in on everything, you will clearly know how to position what you have to say.  This type of dialogue serves to develop the conversation and encourages your prospect to become your client.  

On interviews, it is up to you to say something nice as if you just entered the person’s home.  Then you thank the person interviewing you for their time and consideration as you begin to sit down.  Smiling, thoughtful answers and asking thoughtful questions in return will help put you on track toward being in the lead candidate position.  Working toward commonality by building the relationships will further establish you as a preferred candidate to soon hear HIRED!

As you conduct thought provoking meetings, your underlying marketing communication message is you are a well seasoned person and one whose services should  seriously be considered.  It’s also an indication that your customer service policies are top notch.  You will be the one enjoying a returning and referring clientele ~ the mark of a very Smooth Sale!

P.S.  For a comprehensive program regarding how to grow and sustain and successful business, please consider our Business Retreat May 4-7.

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