Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #718

  Proper Acknowledgment that Encourages More The power of “Thank You” is enormous as it acknowledges the help someone else provided you.  However, story-telling is all the more powerful.  Upon giving your appreciation to another, include...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #717

Daily Routines for the Better How set in a routine are you?  The question infers having enough flexibility in a day to switch gears in order to attend to something out of the ordinary but important to business.  Instead of trying to remember what needs to...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #716

Ask Questions! We sometimes fool ourselves into thinking that taking the job will be the answer to our problems, or collaborating with another will broaden and improve our own business.  Unfortunately this line of thinking proves to be false.  Asking many...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #715

What are you doing for the holidays? Although I called a business, contact, the first words I spoke were those of the above question.  Whether or not one of us was selling something didn’t matter.  In the moment, we were each exchanging our...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #714

Share the News Do you have news to share of which you are proud? Did you consider that just maybe, by having others help spread the good word, it might help to skyrocket your business or career? Singly posting a new event, promotion or awareness of you will...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #713

Picture This: Another Way to Use Social Media Have you ever caught a glimpse of an old acquaintance online but quickly moved on to another matter?  Did you later give thought to the person? When I encounter a picture of someone that makes me wonder how they are...