by smoothsale | Nov 5, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Marketing, Prospect, Sales
4 Text Message Marketing Sins to Avoid Guest Post by Andrew Lisa Marketing campaigns have targeted cell phones since the first text message was sent more than 20 years ago. The reasons for the platform’s incredible longevity amidst so much change is that it is...
by smoothsale | Nov 5, 2014 | Business Development, career, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Mindset, Prospect, Sales
Beat the average accelerate getting the new job A recent Tweet stated, “on average, it takes 400 resume submissions in order to be invited in for 10 interviews, and finally hired for the one job”. Wow! That sure is an enormous effort to find a...
by smoothsale | Nov 4, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, communication, job-seekers, Mindset, Prospect, Sales
Advocate Sales on Interviews Every company needs to continually increase sales or they will most likely find themselves out of business. In this frame of mine, no matter which line of work you are in, you are a salesperson. This is true if you meet...
by smoothsale | Nov 3, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Mindset, Prospect, Sales
Believe in Self to Achieve More While speaking with “George”, regarding his new job hunt, I mentioned the wisdom of seeking work above one’s perceived capabilities. By doing so, you find yourself challenged, and become even more motivated to...
by smoothsale | Nov 2, 2014 | communication, Entrepreneurs, Interviews, job-seekers, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Talking to Martians Hearing someone say, “we will have UI meeting tomorrow”, I stopped to ask, what does “UI” stand for”? The look I received was priceless – almost as if I were the Martian. But I did learn the initials stand for...
by smoothsale | Nov 1, 2014 | Business Development, career, clients, closing, communication, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Flexibility creates the winning plan Launching a business or career advancement requires planning, attention to details, and congruency of all the parts. Unfortunately, as much as we plan down to the tiniest detail, unforeseen circumstances present themselves...