by smoothsale | Sep 25, 2013 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Willingly Giving and Taking Suggestions? A young friend decided he was tired of working for someone else and is now trying his hand at being an entrepreneur. The initial stage is very overwhelming to say the least. So many...
by smoothsale | Sep 24, 2013 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Thought to Action On occasion, I hear a nice compliment but it took me a long time to recognize those wonderful statements need to be captured for a career boost or promotion of business. The minute I was told to ask permission to capture the words, I began...
by smoothsale | Sep 20, 2013 | Business Development, clientele, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Sales
Try, Try Again Growing up, I kept hearing sage advice that if something does not initially work out in your favor, to try, try again. The meaning became clearer as I grew into that of a career salesperson and then entrepreneur. Whether due to...
by smoothsale | Sep 19, 2013 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Customer service, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
To Tell the Truth Every once in a while we are faced with embarrassing situations particularly in the workplace or with clientele. In my opinion, the best action is to tell the truth. When you stick to the truth and are loyal to your principles, you...
by smoothsale | Sep 18, 2013 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
When Does the Meeting Officially End? The above question was recently asked of me on an interview. The obvious answer is when both parties agree it’s over – whether it be a job interview or a prospective meeting for a sale. However, exceptions...
by smoothsale | Sep 17, 2013 | Business Development, clientele, clients, communication, Customer service, Entrepreneurs, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Today’s guest post is by Cara Aley Please note the information is more specifically for entrepreneurs and included due to the importance of the material. Pointers for Selecting an Online Payment Service for Your Business Selecting the right online payment...