Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #645

Deciding When You Need to Exit In speaking with several friends this week, they were either deliberating over whether to begin a new business or job/career.  Each one of them was having difficulty sleeping as the decision was weighing heavily on their mind. This...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #643

Connections Reflect You We all know that what we do online is seen by many.  Therefore, our activities online become our branding and marketing tools for business and career.  The question becomes, do you have guidelines for connecting with others online?...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #642

Has A Client Ever Invited You to Lunch? A wonderful story was relayed of how “Denise” worked with her client or many years.  Loyalty was built in during that time because of the care Denise provided..  Upon reconnecting with the client, Denise...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #640

Is Time Management Holding You Back? Frequenly upon accepting a new job, new hires are over-whelemed with the documentation they are to read and on which they are to take action.  Direction is rarely provided as it is up to them to perform up to par.  Good...