Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #639

Do You Really Want Input? Although we speak of sales mirroring life, sometimes our habits dictate otherwise.  It’s a joke between my husband and I whereby I’ll do something and then ask his opinion on whether or not it should be done.  For me,...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #638

With Whom Do You Compete? Once I came to understand there is no true competition with others, it became far easier to focus on myself in order to learn how I may improve authentically. Now you may be asking yourself, what?!   Consider the fact that we each have a...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #635

Do You Bother to Call? Jocelyn was on a new job as a sales representative.  The first few days she was feeling overwhelemed unaccustomed to the computer technology and software, plus she felt disjointed by the communication from management in her office and via...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #631

  Moving Toward the Sale Upon the likelihood of a forthcoming sale, many people become too focused on the end result and the income it will provide versus what is at stake.  Your mindset of ensuring the happiness of the prospective customer or employer comes...