Attract The Job and More Clients: Sales Tip #467

Getting to Know You The song ,”Getting to Know You” ,was made popular in an old film classic, The King and I.  Observing others dating, hearing of upcoming interviews and entrepreneurs questioning their sales in progress, I realized that a successful...

Attract the Job and More Clients: Sales Tip #466

How to get help when you need it most Most people it seems would rather not succeed than to feel embarrassed that help is required.  You are far better off feeling embarrassed (if that is what it does to you) by asking for help than to not achieve what you...

Decision vs balancing act brings better results During a conversation, I confessed that for years I was doing a balancing act between what was expected of me by others and whom I wished to be.  A few years ago, I finally shed the notion this behavior of pleasing...

Attract More Sales or A Job: Sales Tip #464

Create New Year Success Change and education are the two elements you may always count on for being successful in business, career planning, and every other endeavor.  Part of your education is recognizing what did not work particularly well.  Analyze where...

Attract More Clients or A Job: Sales Tip #463

Improve Your Communication Improve – Your Outcome We’ve all heard there are two sides to every story.  My very first sales manager used to randomly stick a coin in front of my nose and then ask, “Which side of the coin do your see?” While...

Attract More Clients and the Right Job: Sales Tip #460

Who are the people in your neighborhood? While this was a song sung by Mr. Rogers of a children’s television show, the question applies to job seekers wanting an interview and to entrepreneurs wanting to increase visibility.  The neighborhood may be thought...