Attract More Clients: Sales Tip #445

Are you checking your list twice? We all make errors from time to time, but today I burst out laughing and here is why: Sellers on Amazon listed the same book for the following prices: 13 new – $9.67 and 1 used – $14.99! Why would a used copy sell for...

Attract More Clients: Sales Tip #444

Are you “the shoemaker” or the exemplary business guru? The older generation’s favorite saying was, “the shoemaker’s children have no shoes”.  I heard this repeatedly growing up.  What does this have to do with...

Attract More Clients: Sales Tip #443

Are your marketing and sales techniques working? Today was quite a day for hearing of and experiencing a variety of tactics that had me shaking my head in wonderment – that is, wondering how these well known folks are still in business: – Took the money...

Attract New Clients: Sales Tip #442

The potluck dinner seemed like a great application for collaboration… I have heard stories of strange potluck dinners. At one such event, everyone chose to bring a simple dish such as brownies so there was actually no dinner served. A simple marketing survey...

Attract More Clients: Sales Tip #441

How do you handle turbulence in your life? This year has been particularly turbulent for many including entrepreneurs struggling to remain in business and others to find jobs to continue their careers. Much may be learned from watching how various people handle tough...

Attract More Clients: Sales Tips #440

Do you keep track or keep in touch? Over the years, I have kept in touch with a radio show host, Wayne Kelly, – Canada. Wayne has great enthusiasm for life and a delightful sense of humor. In the past, I took his classes on media interviews and...