by smoothsale | Oct 4, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Do you sometimes act boldly? Every once in a while do you take a chance to apply for a job several steps over your head or attract clients that normally work with the “big guys”? When you have a fleeting thought of “I wonder if…” I...
by smoothsale | Sep 30, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Do you “go for it” carefree? Long ago, I read Dale Carnegie’s suggestion to ask yourself “What’s the worst that can happen?” Most often our fear is far greater than the worst that can happen! ? Understanding this concept led me to...
by smoothsale | Sep 29, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Are you building loyalty by building relationships? Thank you are the two most powerful words to be used when building business, making sales and interviewing to get the job. ? Today I had the distinct pleasure of thanking many people for their time, kindness and...
by smoothsale | Sep 28, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
What’s Your Number? A couple of friends confided to me that they reached an age where their number mentally represents an old person sitting in a rocking chair. ? They are almost frightened by their number. ? On the other hand, they laughed while they admitted...
by smoothsale | Sep 24, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Take the “ME TIME” Challenge This Weekend! This week a number of challenges hit my associates, prospects and clients which I wish to share with you: – I’m not making any money but I feel guilty charging what I’m worth (money makes people...
by smoothsale | Sep 22, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Customer service, Entrepreneurs, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships
How well do you know your prospects and clients? It’s a cardinal rule that to enjoy your clientele you need to know the preferred industry or personality with which you wish to work. ? I alway speak of building the relationship with everyone you meet and treat...