by smoothsale | Aug 16, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Do you seek opportunity during a chaotic time? The question arose on a mastermind call this morning with four of us on the line. We all answered, “Yes” and that’s probably how we were attracted to being in the same group. Having posed the question,...
by smoothsale | Aug 11, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Today’s guest article by Nina Amir is about the best way to get your book sold! And it’s applicable to most endeavors. I enjoy Nina’s work and admire her expertise. Nina Amir is a seasoned journalist, nonfiction editor, and writing coach and...
by smoothsale | Aug 9, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Are you familiar with the sales drive-by? Ellen and Eric decided to get their house reappraised for a potentially lower interest rate on a refinance of their home. The word “appraiser” sends chills up my spine. And then I recognized many salespeople make...
by smoothsale | Aug 6, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Are you over-commiting or stepping up? Speaking from experience, entrepreneurs struggle to get known and then suddenly they are asked to undertake amazing projects of which they only previously dreamed. The same could be said for agreeing to a new career several steps...
by smoothsale | Aug 4, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, leadership, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Sales
How do you become fearless? The question of how to become fearless was posed on one of the social media discussion boards. It spoke to me because early in my entrepreneurial startup, I was very concerned about many aspects of business development with which I was not...
by smoothsale | Aug 3, 2010 | Business Development, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Generosity Attracts More Sales! The top secrets to attracting more prospects, clients and sales include: 1. Building relationships 2. Sincerely working to help others 3. Showing appreciation for help you receive Today was one of those wondrous days. Three of us belong...