Do You Have These 9 Business Equipment Pieces In Your Company?
Our collaborative Blog offers insights regarding ‘Do You Have These 9 Business Equipment Pieces In Your Company?’….The right business equipment can make all the difference for your company. Our blog post will discuss nine pieces to have in your office and their importance. Some of the suggestions may seem ‘old school’ upfront, but….
Increase Your Sales Via Social Media
Increase your Sales via Social Media….Now the mecca of social interaction once thought impossible; you can increase your sales via social media. It’s where people go to meet, comment, learn and make new friends and even romantic relationships – so it stands to reason….
Are You Making These Common Mistakes When Working From Home?
‘Are You Making These Common Mistakes When Working from Home?’….Contrary to what most people think, working from home is not fun or at all rosy. It entails more than sitting in front of your computer for several hours a day. It requires….
Are You Prepared to Climb the Mountain of Uncertainty?
Are You Prepared to Climb the Mountain of Uncertainty?….It’s a New Year and begs the question, are you prepared to climb the mountain of uncertainty? In January, many people tend to be excited about their goals for the new year. Still, their enthusiasm is short-lived once they realize
Are You Creating A Noteworthy Business Model?
Are You Creating A Noteworthy Business Model?….The news can be stressful; however, on December 31, I recognized one station’s noteworthy business model that inspires today’s blog. I am not an advertiser for the network news but am….
Are You Deciding Between A Job or Entrepreneurship?
Are You Deciding Between A Job or Entrepreneurship?….Life is topsy turvy during good and not so good times and has many deciding between a job or entrepreneurship. There are always positives and negatives….
Do You Want to Move from Stress to Revision?
Do You Want to Move from Stress to Revision?….There is little doubt that many want to move from stress to revision in today’s environment. The news speaks of a mass exodus from jobs, the lack of desire to one day return to a commute for work, and the uncertainty of….
How To Make Your Business Premises Pay for Itself
How To Make Your Business Premises Pay for Itself….Our collaborative Blog offers insights on ‘How to make your business premises pay for itself.’ There’s no denying that running a business these days is quite challenging. Competition can be high; global or economic events can impact….
Customer Lifetime Value and Why it Matters
Customer Lifetime Value and Why it Matters….There isn’t a shortage of metrics businesses must calculate to track their customers’ journey for the goal of creating a customer lifetime value. And while evaluating metrics like lead conversion rates and customer satisfaction rates….
Tips For Your Business Management
Tips For Your Business Management….Small business management is concerned with daily operations — ensuring that you have the appropriate inventory, maintaining satisfied clients, and managing your money, among other things. However, take caution not to…
Will You Improve with These Sales Books?
Will You Improve with These Sales Books? Today’s consumers are “smart cookies,” and accordingly, it’s wise for salespeople to consider the question, ‘will you improve with these sales books?’ They will not accept any salesperson’s word for the value…
Do You Create Client Loyalty with Outstanding Online Order Packaging?
Do You Create Client Loyalty with Outstanding Online Order Packaging?….The online purchasing experience can be an impersonal one. The seller and buyer rarely interact one-on-one, and communication is often through email or other online messaging platforms. Customer loyalty is….
Take Control of Your Job Search!
Take Control of Your Job Search!….Like with any goal, it is important to list out the qualities about a job that are imperative and then put a strategy in place to go after that. If the goal is to make more money or climb the corporate ladder, researching larger organizations might….
Do You Value Your Connections?
Do You Value Your Connections?….We each have various experiences as we attempt to connect with others that bring the question to mind, Do You Value Your Connections? Over the years, running away from some would have been preferable, yet….
23 Secret Tips To Boost Success
23 Secret Tips To Boost Success….Wouldn’t it be great if a crystal ball were available that would make you more successful in your sales, marketing, or business efforts? Or if there would be one secret you could do to boost your success? Well, there is no crystal ball to tell you the bad news. Success, in general, is hard work. It needs….
Do You Want to Turn Your Passion into a Career?
Do You Want to Turn Your Passion into a Career? In 2020, I lost my job, alongside another 114 million jobs lost… I loved the work I was doing among highly talented individuals, many of whom became friends, and I was making a social impact. Despite my qualifications and achievements as an attorney and executive for 22+ years…
Are You Making These Recruitment Mistakes?
Are You Making These Recruitment Mistakes?….Our collaborative blog offers ideas, asks, ‘Are You Making These Recruitment Mistakes?’ and provides insights into improving the effort. The importance begins with realizing that the goal is to retain good employees for the long term. Upon hiring the better candidates and using their talent in the best capacity possible, they will remain…