by smoothsale | Jul 20, 2014 | clientele, communication, Marketing and Sales, Negotiation, Sales
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame…” Summer is here and fans are piling into the ballpark; some paying hefty fees for tickets and others not. And this is the point of today’s blog – negotiating tickets with scalpers....
by smoothsale | Jul 19, 2014 | Business Development, career, communication, Entrepreneurs, personal brand, Relationships, Sales
Making Difficult Decisions On occasion we each need to make hard decisions about career, friends or business. The situation calls for backing out of some type of relationship, and the last thing any of us wants is to cut ties on a less than friendly basis....
by smoothsale | Jul 15, 2014 | Business Development, career, clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Negotiation, Sales
Questions Lead to Improved Results Questions are your best friend when it comes to negotiating your way to a sale or friendly conclusion. They allow you to get past obstacles, lend improved understanding of the other party, advance your career, or invite...
by smoothsale | Jul 14, 2014 | career, communication, Entrepreneurs, leadership, Negotiation, personal brand, Relationships, Sales
Can Do versus Obligation As you become further advanced in your business or career, more requests for favors will pour in. The problem is, you became successful due to your excellence in time management affording time for accomplishing what needed to be done....
by smoothsale | Jul 11, 2014 | Business Development, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Relationships, Sales
Quality conversation brings improved thought Between projects, it is a treat to meet with another entrepreneur to learn what is new in their life both personally and professionally. The meetings are relaxed, invigorating and usually lead to new helpful insights,...
by smoothsale | Jul 8, 2014 | Business Development, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, Interviews, job-seekers, Relationships, Sales
Don’t Let Distance Get in the Way of a Giant Sale Guest Post by Jason Cromwell In business some sales are easy and some are a lot more difficult. One of the biggest factors that could cause you to struggle to get a deal closed or the job you desire is distance. A...