Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #784

   The Easy Way to Sell and Succeed You may be one of the many who find sales scary and unapproachable.  Most people believe it is a requirement to twist arms to get the sale.  Even worse is when some salespeople will say “anything”...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #775

To Get Better Answers, Ask Better Questions What makes a good question? In sales, some would say a good question is one that is prepared in advance. Some would say a good question is one that craftily leads the buyer toward the close. Others still would say a good...

Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Sales Tip #770

Qualify Request “Opportunities” As you start out in either your career or business, many “opportunities” will come and go some of which are better than others.  In fact, some offers may be downright awful.  When you are in need of...