by smoothsale | Feb 10, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Your Preferred Clientele Years agao, there was a main character on a detective show named Kojac, and he always asked, “Who loves you baby?” The same applies to business. Consider which type of clients you have the easiest time...
by smoothsale | Feb 7, 2014 | Business Development, career, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, leadership, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Can You Afford the Offer? Many times an offer, whether of a personal, job, or business related nature does not live up to expectations. Asking questions will help reveal answers as will reflection on past experiences to help fortify your decision....
by smoothsale | Feb 6, 2014 | Business Development, career, clients, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Marketing and Sales, Mindset, Prospect, Sales
What Does Your Pricing Say? While in the market and about to purchase fish from the display case, I passed the meat on display. The pricing of various cuts caught my eye. It was very curious that chateaubriand was priced significantly lower than flank...
by smoothsale | Feb 4, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Marketing, Mindset, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Put “Fun” into Negotiation Most people dread negotiating; they view all offers as “take it or leave it”. This mindset puts a negative spin on the entire process, so frequently opportunities and fun outings are missed....
by smoothsale | Feb 3, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, clients, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, Interviews, job-seekers, Mindset, personal brand, Prospect, Sales
Being current to find the Smooth Sale We face so much change today, it’s difficult to remain current let alone ahead of the curve. But when we don’t strive to maintain the pace, falling behind and out of business becomes the consequence....
by smoothsale | Jan 29, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, clients, closing, communication, Customer service, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Mindset, personal brand, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Qualifying steps lead to the sale Is what you are about to do or who you are about to associate with a match? “The match” is what is being referred to and applies to all realms of life. The better the match, the better the outcome, and the...