by smoothsale | Jan 2, 2015 | Business Development, career, clientele, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Mindset, personal brand, Prospect, Sales
Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Create A Rewarding Year While we are still in the holiday frame of mind, there are a few days left to be certain 2015 turns into the year you desire. The following steps will guide you to adapting a program that will work year...
by smoothsale | Dec 30, 2014 | Business Development, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, personal brand, Sales
Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Be Seen, Be Yourself, and Earn The Sale by Stephanie O’Brien Are you afraid to be in the spotlight? And is this habit of staying small keeping you invisible, and preventing you from getting the job you want or making sales? To...
by smoothsale | Dec 28, 2014 | Business Development, career, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, leadership, Mindset, personal brand, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Attract the Right Job or Clientele: Begin Anew to Find the Real You and True Wealth Unlike a box of cheerios where every single cheerio appears to be identical, true wealth appears differently for each person. It could represent multiple homes located at...
by smoothsale | Dec 27, 2014 | Business Development, clientele, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Sales
Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Increase Career and Sales Opportunities Most professional salespeople freeze when they hear the word, “no”, let alone those seeking to build their entrepreneurship. The next time you unexpectedly hear the word...
by smoothsale | Dec 26, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Marketing and Sales, Sales
Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: When Should You Hire New Employees For Your Company? Guest Post by Boris Dzhingarov One of the really vital tasks for the business owner is to properly manage a workforce. It is really important to have the correct employees so that...
by smoothsale | Dec 25, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Mindset, personal brand, Sales
Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Buddha Philosophy Creates A Strategic Plan Admittedly, I have not studied Buddha but have heard words of wisdom expressed over the years that allude to philosophy. To begin and appropriately so, patience and...