Do You Arouse Curiosity In Your Prospects?
Do You Arouse Curiosity In Your Prospects?…You can arouse curiosity in your prospects by asking intriguing questions. The first step for getting started is to gain some familiarity ahead of time. Your upfront research pays dividends with future business….
Are You Successfully Concluding Business?
Are you successfully concluding business?…Successfully concluding the new business is no easy task. Needing to meet a quota can be overwhelming. No one advises new sales representatives upfront about the number of touches one needs…
Do You Sell With Enthusiasm?
Do You Sell With Enthusiasm?…A little soul-searching helps answer the question, do you sell with enthusiasm? Without excitement, our commitment declines. In the end, minimal accomplishment reveals itself…
Are You Consistently Honest?
Are You Consistently Honest?…Our bottom line and career depend upon us being consistently honest. Even better is to advocate what you believe to be true…By asking questions…
The Sunk Cost Fallacy in Business
The Sunk Cost Fallacy in Business…Sometimes it’s hard to admit to mistakes. However, once our decisions go south, we have two options: change our strategy or stick to the plan and hope things get better…
Do You Want To Improve Sales Success?
Six recent experiences with entrepreneurs and sales representatives have me asking, do you want to improve sales success? How we work and our communication style determine our outcomes….
Are You Contemplating A New Direction?
Are You Contemplating A New Direction?…As the cold weather arrives, it becomes an excellent time for contemplating a new direction. Realizing what will excite us in the new year brings warmth along with smiles. Along with the fuzzy feelings, the time comes to examine our previous reality.
Handle Life’s Journey With Calm For Future Success
Handle Life’s Journey With Calm For Future Success…Adapting to life’s journey with calm for future success is not a myth. The practice takes time to adjust and requires understanding. In our youth, the idea of using calm for solving problems sounds contradictory. But…
Convert This Year’s Experiences To Next Year’s Gains
Convert this year’s experiences to next year’s gains…Most people say they want to convert this year’s experiences to next year’s gains, but only a small percentage do. The main reason is…
Do You Model What You Preach?
Do You Model What You Preach?…The way for you to become an influencer and well-known is to model what you preach. In business terms, we are first to become familiar with our personal brand. Next…
Are You Willing To Push Beyond Common Sense?
Are You Willing To Push Beyond Common Sense?…A visit to the Spy Museum in D.C. prompts today’s question, are you willing to push beyond common sense? The exhibits are state of the art to include video, interactive games, and visuals for engaging the broadest possible audience….
How Do You Build Positive Working Relationships with Employees?
Today’s story, How Do You Build Positive Working Relationships?, is provided by Diane Painter. It is special education for everyone on how to make employees, clients, and our communities feel special, not just for a holiday, but for all year long…
Do You Have These Three Success Habits?
Do You Have These Three Success Habits?…While in conversation with a four-year-old, I was reminded of three success habits salespeople use to their benefit. The same may apply to
Are You Building A Unique Brand?
Are You Building A Unique Brand?…The art of building a unique brand applies to all businesses and individuals, too. The standalone knowledge of sales is not enough for remaining in business. Our uniqueness is to be…
Do You Realize Hesitation Can Ruin Opportunity?
Do You Realize Hesitation Can Ruin Opportunity?…On occasion, it is smart to take a calculated risk because hesitation can ruin opportunity. The calculation is in the…
Are You Comfortable With Negotiation?
Are You Comfortable With Negotiation?…A recent community meeting raises the question, are you comfortable with negotiation? Board Members were screaming at one another instead of working together to…