Transition Provides Unexpected Opportunity

Transition Provides Unexpected Opportunity…People laughed, people scorned, but now the same people are scratching their heads and asking, “How did I miss the opportunity?”, and, “Is it too late?” The next step for many is finally to take action. Taking calculated risk is a necessity for advancing one’s career. While focus, motivation, and perseverance make the difference. Yesterday’s blog asked the question, Do You Easily Transition into New Directions?  The question is, are you ready to embrace doing so yourself?…

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Do You Easily Transition Into New Directions?

Do You Easily Transition Into New Directions?…It was astonishing to learn that a previously successful speaker could not easily transition to the newer way of doing business. Ironically, the newer way includes being social online, and we all know that is no longer new. You can guess he is rapidly moving backward and doesn’t know what to do…

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Are You Checking Your List Twice For A Successful Year-end?

Are You Checking Your List Twice For A Successful Year-end?…Checking your list twice is not just for the year-end holidays. A careful review is also to ensure nothing falls through the cracks so that you may secure all open business that sounds promising. The last quarter of the year is known to produce the most business for the entire year. To capture all expectations requires serious business on the backend….

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Lead Your Network to Improved Introductions

Lead Your Network to Improved Introductions…It’s sometimes a blurry line between networking with business acquaintances and making friends in the process. When we recognize those blossoming friendships, it becomes the right time to think about the introductions we may make. When you reach out to connect people with whom you see the synergy, you never have to worry about the question, ‘what will be in it for me?’ The answer presents itself soon enough…

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How Do You Conduct Meetings?

How Do You Conduct Meetings?…Have you ever been in meetings where someone backs away by essentially saying ‘that’s not my job’ although it is? Taking responsibility for areas related to your job is essential for maintaining credibility. At the very least, offer to make an introduction to the person in charge. Unfortunately, today provided to be a different outcome from the meeting i attended….

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When Life Seems Too Serious Use This Remedy

When Life Seems Too Serious Use This Remedy…Anyone working either as an entrepreneur or on the job will sometimes feel that life seems too serious and is in need of a remedy. The pressure we put on ourselves, in addition to that of partners, management, and employers, will add considerable stress. My favorite remedy is to call a good friend who understands the situation and can provide good suggestions. With nearby friends, arrange to meet on occasion for lunch or coffee to have a friendly chat…

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Do You See the Forest Through the Trees?

Do You See the Forest Through the Trees?…For a sales related blog, the title ‘Do you see the forest through the trees?’ might seem odd. The fact is we get so bogged down sometimes that we lose sight of the bigger picture. In fact, the weeds of obligation that sprout up can overtake the trees plus the forest. With the right focus, we can begin to clear our path and again see the forest…

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Are Your Strict with Priorities?

Are Your Strict with Priorities?…In our quest to do good by another, we sometimes mistakenly forego our own priorities. Should we get too entrenched with the goals of others, it’s easy to lose sight of our own and soon after ambition becomes lost. Are you strict with priorities?

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Fix The Problem Between Management and Sales Producers

Fix The Problem Between Management and Sales Producers…In the corporate world, there is often a big divide between management and sales producers. Make no mistake, it is a very big problem. Shakespeare’s quote, “To be or not to be, that is the question” comes to mind in terms of do I stay in this field or do I change my career? One question this morning brought it all back and had me cringing…

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One Action Produces Results

One Action Produces Results…Most people are reluctant to take the one action that produces results.  If you do not understand why a statement is made, or, desire something special at work, Ask! The Nike slogan comes to mind, “Just Do It!” The ask will produce results, but beware that some answers you will like while others not so much…

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With Only One Week To Go ~ What Will You Do?

With Only One Week To Go ~ What Will You Do?…If you were given the gift of one week only to do what you enjoy most, what would that be? On occasion, many of us fall into a rut without an appreciation for time running away. Too much is thrown at us that seems to be meaningless taking away time from what we prefer to do. So we continue down the monotonous road of doing the same old…

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How to Recognize You Are in Good Company

How to Recognize You Are in Good Company…We have all heard advice about ‘the company we keep…’ and to carefully select our good company. Paying attention to the advice will affect the outcome of both personal and business matters. A previous blog entitled “Are You Deliberately Different?”  explains the wisdom of the insight…

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Are You Timid About Speaking Up?

Are You Timid About Speaking Up?…A major problem with not speaking up is that not doing so signals you are in agreement with what is in place. And many times, when one does voice their opinion, it is seen as a combative position versus being helpful. By using relationship selling strategies, your contribution will receive a warm welcome. The hard part is getting past the fear of speaking up…

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Are You Too Intense While In Conversation?

Are You Too Intense While In Conversation?…A prospect can immediately sense whether they will enjoy the conversation with you. The businesspeople who strictly focus on the sale, the commission and bonus, and crossing the must do’s off their list, unfortunately, see a need to add one more ‘must-do.’ The addition is to find another job because they aren’t as successful as one should be…

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Is Your Style of Conversation Producing Results?

Is Your Style of Conversation Producing Results?…Richard was upset that his contribution to a high-level sales conversation was shot down. The worst part is he began to question his wisdom and whether his experience is relevant. Knowing Richard’s style, I realized the problem is that he is far ahead of those unable to understand his ideas….

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