by smoothsale | Jul 29, 2014 | Business Development, clientele, communication, job-seekers, Prospect, Relationships, Sales
Online Connection Strategies for Improved Results While it is a treat to connect with people online from around the world, some of the invitations do not fall into that category. In fact, some are downright insulting. Today was the perfect example....
by smoothsale | Jul 28, 2014 | clients, closing, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Negotiation, Relationships, Sales
Getting What You Want How do you always get what you want? That was the question asked of me in childhood by a cousin. “Always” could probably be reduced to “most of the time”. It was innate sales skills that made the...
by smoothsale | Jul 26, 2014 | Business Development, clientele, communication, Customer service, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, Sales
Honesty First to Grow Clientele In preparation for getting ready to move, I brought an old treasure into an antique consignment store to see if they might like to sell it for me and split the proceeds. Lois’ face lit up as she loved the vase. It was...
by smoothsale | Jul 24, 2014 | Business Development, career, clients, communication, Customer service, Entrepreneurs, interviewing, job-seekers, personal brand, Relationships, Sales
The Difficulty with CYA Sometimes those performing service oriented work feel the need to “Cover Your A..” Salespeople are notorious for this. Frequently this becomes a problem because what is spewed out from one’s mouth isn’t 100%...
by smoothsale | Jul 23, 2014 | Business Development, career, clientele, communication, Entrepreneurs, Interviews, job-seekers, personal brand, Relationships, Sales
Generic eMail are Dangerous! Generic email are a dangerous thing in terms of credibility when an error is made in regards to the recipients. Today’s receipt of a generic email is the Perfect Example, and will not only produce a laugh but might make you...
by smoothsale | Jul 21, 2014 | Business Development, career, communication, Entrepreneurs, job-seekers, Sales
Office Cleanup Benefits Many My desk is notorious for frequently appearing as a mess. Upon cleaning up and seeing notes scribbled to myself, I’m able to determine if anything was overlooked due to the disarray; if so I get on it immediately. The...