How Do You Groom Your New Connections?
How Do You Groom Your New Connections?…It appears that new opportunities are opening up once again while the business question becomes, how do you groom your new connections? The question is one to seriously consider as it may provoke new ideas…
Before You Start A Business Can Your Personality Handle It?
Before You Start A Business is provided in three parts.
Before You Start A Business Can Your Personality Handle It? …Last week’s edition focused on family and the essential questions to answer up front. Today we speak to ‘Personality’ to set the framework for approaching and conducting business…
How Do You Arouse Curiosity?
How Do You Arouse Curiosity?…With a need to sell ideas and services successfully, the question becomes, how do you arouse curiosity? When others begin asking us questions, it is the first indicator that there is potential…
How Are You Planning To Start A Business?
Are You Planning To Start A Business? …Before You Start A Business, each aspiring entrepreneur is to consider these three categories: Family, Personality, and Financial. I’ve met many business founders in my life, and they vary on almost every possible measure…
Do You See Two Sides to Every Situation?
Do You See Two Sides to Every Situation?…We frequently hear that it takes two to tango, and so the question becomes, do you see two sides to every situation? We can be thinking in step with one another but occasionally make a new pivot only to return. Other times, the rhythm isn’t…
Do You Use “The Secrets of Influence”®?
The Secrets Of Influence…Influence is portable power. It is inside of you and is something you can learn, practice and master. Best of all, it is with you, always. You can use it in everyday life or at work. Having Influence gives you the power to motivate…
Are You Preparing For Change?
Are You Preparing For Change?…Change is relentless, and so we need to be the same as we consider preparing for change. The beginning of the pandemic had most of us stopped in our tracks. Slowly but surely, we begin to…
Are You Ready To Shift Energy and Double Sales?
Are You Ready to Shift Energy and Double Sales?: The 15 Second Tip ~ sounds quick, doesn’t it? It is. And it’s super simple too, – yet mighty! We get dressed, we comb our hair (well, most of us). We look in a mirror, and we think about what we might say – or not say. Then we’re out…
Are You Ready To Refocus?
Are You Ready To Refocus?…Last year, I was very ready to refocus but couldn’t quite grasp the ‘how.’ Admittedly, very little was accomplished one quarter. Previously enjoying a successful career, it was concerning that nothing…
How To Get Your Startup Ready
How To Get Your Startup Ready…Luckily, there are now various ways you can fund your startup. And one of them is through equity investment. Equity investment is the process of finding a company in exchange for…
What Do You Think?
What Do You Think?…We frequently ask and hear the question, ‘what do you think?’ But by and large, the question is saved for close family members and friends. ..
Do You Use The 7 Staff Management Best Practices?
Do You Use The 7 Staff Management Best Practices?…In an ever-changing economy, getting the right number of people in the right places at the right times, doing the right things is vital. Although…
Are You Enthusiastic About Work?
Are You Enthusiastic About Work?…Today’s question, ‘Are you enthusiastic about work?’, may sound a bit strange. We are typically excited about vacation but not about work. Many people dread their daily occupation. They find…
Do You Worry About Profit Margins?
Do You Worry About Profit Margins?…What does your business idea look like if you were to write it down on the back of a napkin? Let’s say you want to open an organic lemonade stand on your front lawn. If you pay someone…
Attract the Right Job Or Clientele: Are You Ready To Lead?
Are You Ready To Lead?…Upon beginning a career, most have difficulty tapping into their confidence, let alone getting ready to lead. It took a long while to realize that mindset has everything to do with leadership qualities and capabilities…
Do You feel Unproductive?
Do You feel Unproductive?…We are at the one-year mark since the start of COVID-19. As a result, many of us are still working from home. And many may continue for the long-haul. Whether or not this is your preference is not typically a choice…
Do You Want To Improve Sales?
Do You Want To Improve Sales?…Sadly only a few representatives are willing to put in the laborious work ahead because they want to improve sales. Most focus on the monetary gain that ironically omits concern about the client. It becomes worse as management puts pressure…
Do You Have An Unusual Idea?
Do You Have An Unusual Idea?…In the early ’90s, I gave a speech to about 300 businesswomen, entitled “How to Manage Your Time for Success.” (not the most unusual topic, but a trendy one.) After the talk, I handed out a simple…