Cold Calling Techniques that Succeed
Cold Calling Techniques that Succeed…There is an ongoing back and forth conversation about whether cold calling is dead. I can testify it is not obsolete. More importantly, when done well, cold calling can be highly effective.Most often, I exit the phone call politely and as quickly as possible, but yesterday was different. It was so different that I thanked Maria for calling and gave praise on her behalf to the person to whom she reports…
Are You Getting Desired Results?
Are You Getting Desired Results?…So many people complain about not getting their desired results or being at a juncture without knowing how to proceed. They are at a literal standstill without a clue of how to get past the turmoil, so they continue to do the same….
Are the Details Slipping Through the Cracks?
Are the Details Slipping Through the Cracks?…During the summer months, it is easy to fall into the trap of being relaxed enough to let details slip through the cracks. As Fall approaches, however, it is time to pay strict attention so that we may end the year on a high note. Salespeople are in need of making and exceeding quota. Employees need to document their good work in the past and ideas for the future in anticipation of their annual reviews…
Do We Need to Redefine Humanity?
Do We Need to Redefine Humanity?…The thesaurus includes words such as humankind, kindness, and civilization. But our recent news has me wondering if it’s time to redefine humanity, and redirect the word, ‘mankind.’ Humanity refers to all people.If women were to have any say, they would demonstrate inclusiveness by replacing ‘mankind’ with ‘people-kind.’…
Are You Setting Enough Good Boundaries?
Are You Setting Enough Good Boundaries? …
We Are Our Best Version of Our Competition
We Are Our Best Version of Our Competition …Most people don’t know how to handle their competition and freeze up just thinking about it. And there are times when we wonder how did they succeed, but I’m not able? As we begin to compare ourselves is the exact moment when the rabbit hole of despair appears. But, one competitor is far more important than all the rest….
Realize the Impact Impossible Has On Improving Success
Realize the Impact Impossible Has On Improving Success…Throughout our lifetime, there is no doubt we will each hear the exclamation, “that’s impossible!” But the fact is, nothing is impossible when you possess a positive mindset, the will to move past all obstacles, and a plan for obtaining what you desire…..
Are You Weighing New Age Strategies Against Traditional Marketing Venues?
Are You Weighing New Age Strategies Against Traditional Marketing Venues?…Do you sometimes feel outdated or overwhelmed by all the new technology and associated marketing ahead of us? Our society is headed toward artificial intelligence, robotics, driverless cars and the list continues. It is very exciting to see the inventions come forth. It is up to each of us to determine which strategies to use and how to best utilize and market them for our business…
Being Nice Guides the Charge to Improved Performance
Being Nice Guides the Charge to Improved Performance…It’s interesting how many people interpret being nice as also being a ‘pushover’ and one who will accept anything. Judgment misses the fact that being nice can be the quiet style of leadership that motivates others to improved performance…
One Sales Tool Is Poised to Surpass All Others
One Sales Tool Is Poised to Surpass All Others…Over the past decade, there has been an explosion of sales tools. Sales leaders have purchased on average, upwards of eight tools for their B2B selling teams. In spite of these expensive purchases, rep productivity is at an all-time low, with more reps missing quota in 2016 than experienced in prior periods. So, let’s step back and talk about sales tools for a moment…
Errors Are Common How to Handle Is An Easy Strategy
Errors Are Common How to Handle Is An Easy Strategy…Everyone will occasionally make an error in their communication. And when dealing with many people, on occasion you will encounter multiple errors in just one day. Today’s post is about the improved strategy for overcoming errors in sales communication….Yesterday alone, I experienced numerous errors while in the company of others…
Leading Innovation In The Commission-Only Sales Industry
Leading Innovation In The Commission-Only Sales Industry…CommissionCrowd is leading Innovation in the commission-only sales industry by aligning companies with entrepreneurial-minded salespeople. We identified a gap in the market requiring Innovation. The innovative need seen was for an online service that connects self-employed (commission-only) sales agents and companies globally. Our service also solves the problems that representatives and businesses face…
How to Make Your Customers Winners!
How to Make Your Customers Winners!…Every day it seems technology leaps forward, with what was movie magic and imagination only a few years ago to now become our reality, We have drones, virtual reality, touch screens, immersion, and big data along with emerging fast driverless cars, arterial intelligence, and robotics.,,
Could Your Response Style Use Tweaking?
Could Your Response Style Use Tweaking?…Our communication affects all stages of the sales cycle and also includes the final stage for getting hired. One of the more critical areas for getting to ‘yes’ is in our Response Style. A response may be an answer to a question, providing insight, or getting to the closing stage of pending business…
Motivate Employees: Build Engagement and Clientele
Motivate Employees and Build Engagement…Every organization’s most valuable asset is unquestionably the same: its people. Motivating employees to do a great job is job No. 1 — but far easier said than done!… The following infographic, “A Guide to Employee Recognition,” offers company leaders an easy-to-digest, visual overview of three critical aspects of building engagement and enhancing productivity…
Are You Well-Connected?
Are You Well-Connected?…The number of our connections isn’t nearly as important as the quality that moves us to become Well-Connected. Most of us get that, yet those who are competitive with themselves (like me) always want to do better. Finally, I reached a milestone of which I was proud, but then another record was revealed that had me asking, are they open to teaching me how they do that?!…
Do You Diplomatically Reject Requests from Friends?
Do You Diplomatically Reject Requests from Friends?…Our friends and business partners know us well, and so it becomes more irritating than ever when their requests don’t match our purpose. How do you prevent unwise utterances and instead diplomatically reject this type of ask?…