Do You Accept Big Business Regardless?
Do You Accept Big Business Regardless?…Some strive to achieve big business, but at what cost? And how do we protect ourselves from a business that appears to put aside the public or client’s best interest?…
Do You Replay the Pros and Cons?
Do You Replay the Pros and Cons?…Uncertain offers call for replaying the pros and cons before acceptance. Listing the benefits of either a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer will direct you to the better option. The practice also helps improve negotiation skills for business matters. The answer of ‘no’ is better than not knowing ~ be fearless and ask!…
Do You Leave the Door Of Opportunity Open?
Do You Leave the Door Of Opportunity Open?…Most people do poorly in sales because they close the door of opportunity. They operate with an out-of-step sales cycle. ‘Goodbye’ isn’t always forever…
Do You Assume All Collaborative Efforts Are Good?
Do You Do You Assume All Collaborative Efforts Are Good?…You may be wondering a bad collaborative effort can exist. Comparing the better approaches with the poor will give pause for thought…
Your Success Equals Your Customer’s Success
Your Success Equals Your Customer’s Success…Today’s Guest Blog on the topic of customer success is provided by Pete Aldridge. According to Pete, “Start with desired customer outcomes and work backwards.” He enables organizations to better engage and build profitable relationships with their internal and external customers…
Do You Pay Attention to Your Surroundings?
Do You Pay Attention to Your Surroundings?…There is power in keen observation of your surroundings. Indicators exist of whether you are a match with your prospective client or employer. But before jumping to a conclusion, it’s best first to verify what you believe to be true by asking questions…
Do You Push Seemingly Easy Sales?
Do You Push Seemingly Easy Sales?…As a salesperson, it is irritating to have others push their seemingly easy sales on me. Two recent incidents prompt today’s blog…
How Do You View Customer Care?
How Do You View Customer Care?…Some businesspeople appear to shrug off the importance of customer care. They miss the fact that attention to both the details and people is what differentiates the successful…
Do You Communicate An Improved Future?
Do You Communicate An Improved Future?…The posting for a rental had me laughing upon reading the description of an improved future. Remarkably, the person is an engineer but would make a great salesperson given his humor, too…
Do You Study the Averages?
Do You Study the Averages?…It is always good to research the averages for your endeavors. But the error many sales trainers make is to suggest we strive for those numbers. Bad Idea!…
How Do You Define Client Needs?
How Do You Define Client Needs?…Everyone knows that address client needs encourages more sales. But do you dig in enough to understand what motivates each client to buy – and – remain loyal?…
Do You Use Mentoring to Build Business?
Do You Use Mentoring to Build Business?…A variety of ways are available for using mentoring to build a business. Whether you are seeking a new job, wanting to advance your company, or increase sales, consider the possibilities. Everyone has a unique experience and can contribute to the conversation…
Do You Ask for Protocol on Follow-up
Do You Ask for Protocol on Follow-up…Tenacity for follow-up is essential for successful sales. However, following the ‘rules of the game’ will make or break your record…
Do You Combine Social and Business?
Do You Combine Social and Business?…Combining a social element with business invites creative thought. Consider how you may mix the two for a fuller sales pipeline…
How Do You Intend to Lead?
How Do You Intend to Lead?…The way in which people lead comes in a variety of styles as we witness every day at work and in the news. Consistency in the way you typically behave and approach matters will define your leadership capabilities…
Are You Adding Value to Client Services?
Are You Adding Value to Client Services?…In comparison to previous years, the accountant provided extraordinary value in his client services. Although tax time is never fun, the process was painless this time…
Are You Making These Communication Errors?
Are You Making These Communication Errors?…Our communication style determines our outcome for sales. Clients appreciate the professionally personal style that builds relationships and business. The process begins with a smile and the motivation to serve others well.l…
Are You Ready to Climb the Career Ladder?
Are You Ready to Climb the Career Ladder?…When we take the challenge, climbing the career ladder takes both strategy and motivation. The question is, are you comfortable being with being in over your head somewhat to move beyond today’s achievement?…