Do You Buy Shoes?
Do You Buy Shoes?…Shoes are a necessity for work. Not only do we buy shoes, but so do our clients. A little thought, friendliness, and empathy work well for building the sale. To sell well step into the shoes of your client…
Do You Make A Lasting Impression?
Do You Make A Lasting Impression?…
Do You Experience Limiting Belief?
Do You Experience Limiting Belief?…The commonality I find of motivated people is that most come from humble beginnings and limiting belief. They share their experiences in the form of story-telling posts. The openness draws in their audience that has the desire to learn more…
Do You Feel Blue After Vacation?
Do You Feel Blue After Vacation?…Summer vacation is quickly approaching. I found it difficult to restart the job after having a fun time away. I was in a funk until an idea came to me that improved my getting back into the business mindset. Sales done well turn into order-taking…
Do You Use Video Marketing?
Do You Use Video Marketing?…Video marketing is the most successful marketing technique in recent years. One of the main reasons why video marketing is gaining in popularity is the fact that video content is easier delivered to the general public than written words. The infographic in this article is all about hints and stats on video marketing…
Do You Listen to Music to Gain Ideas?
Do You Listen to Music to Gain Ideas?…I was listening to music by Elvis when the idea of trust came to mind. The lyrics of the one song, included a heartfelt, “Believe Me.”…
Do You Purposefully Under-Sell Yourself?
Do You Purposefully Under-Sell Yourself?…My Story; How and Why I Under-Sell A surprise offer boosts motivation and makes the previous struggles seem well-worthwhile!…Everyone stopped in the moment upon seeing an ex-football player arrive at the party…
Do You Want to Know How a Movie Changed the History of CRM?
Do You Want to Know How a Movie Changed the History of CRM?…When you are trying to implement a system that people describe as: a total waste of time, soul-sucking, overcomplicated beast of burden, it’s hard to really like your job. He (Adam Honig) knew there just had to be a better way for salespeople. So he quit. And he went to see a movie…
Do You Quickly Move Forward with Change?
Do You Quickly Move Forward with Change?…Whether you are gainfully employed or striving to make it big in business, the only sure tactic is to embrace change. There are no shortcuts to success. In spite of attempting to do our best, some days are downright frustrating. The real test is in our attitude and level of commitment…
7 Things About A PRM Portal Your Management Team Will Want to Know
7 Things About A PRM Portal Your Management Team Will Want to Know…We all strive to do well in our careers. Two given goals are completing the most sales within the month and providing excellent customer service. Ultimately, every business has the same goal in mind, to grow revenues and provide the best service possible.
Do You Use Communication Strategy?
Do You Use Communication Strategy?…Behind every type of communication, there is a need to give thought to the communication strategy. In sales terms, know in detail your goal for posting or speaking. More importantly, come to understand why your audience will care…
If You Knew What You Could Do With Just An “IDEA”
Abdo Riani is our guest blog contributor sharing what we can do with an “IDEA.”…The only responsibility of entrepreneurs, especially at the beginning of a business venture, is to guess right. An idea is nothing more than an educated guess. The problem is that assumptions, especially if they’re wrong, are often very costly…
Do You Learn From Defeat?
Do You Learn from Defeat?…Defeat and failure do not exist as long as you are willing to improve your game. During childhood, I continually heard my Dad say, “You never know in the ballgame!” In the last seconds of a game, the people expected to lose would win. Motivation and determination will point the way; never give up! Every decision affects our future outcome..
Do You Respect Client Care?
Do You Respect Client Care?…As buyers, we expect sellers to care about our need. But when it’s our turn to exceed expectations, we sometimes fall short…
With Whom Do You Compete?
With Whom Do You Compete?…If you are like most top sales producers, you ignore others and only compete with yourself. The many representatives in the field are not seen as competitors because we are each one of a kind…
Do You Have Everything You Need to Make Content Marketing Work?
Do You Have Everything You Need to Make Content Marketing Work?…Content will never die. All marketing methods require some form of content, and it would never be possible to achieve good results without it…
Do You Listen to Sales Professionals?
Today’s guest blog is provided by Stefan Johansson, Creator of the Sales Scenario Podcast for Sales Professionals
Stefan is a serial entrepreneur, founder of several businesses, mostly in Sales and IT. He has been delivering sales & marketing advice for over 20 years. Today Stefan is focusing on Sales Scenario – a management consulting company in Sales & Marketing, where one important part is the Blog Radio, containing hundreds of sales tips podcasts provided by the best sales experts on the planet…