Increase Visibility With These Two Strategies
Increase Visibility With These Two Strategies…As you increase visibility, be sure that you are networking with folks who can hire you. Before you begin, have a follow-up system to stay in front of those folks you enjoy meeting. The people you meet…
Do You Play Truth AND Dare to Succeed?
Do You Play Truth AND Dare to Succeed?…When we play truth and dare with ourselves, we are more likely to succeed in business. We need to incorporate both components rather than the traditional ‘truth Or dare.’..
Do You Influence Others To Do Better?
Do You Influence Others To Do Better?…When we influence others to do better, we leave our comfort zone. The idea is a two-edged sword. Some view the concept as blatantly selling…Others believe that influence comes from modeling…
Do You Realize Your Purpose?
Do You Realize Your Purpose?…The ultimate accomplishment is to realize your purpose. In the early days of entrepreneurship, similar words came my way but were not understood. Most of us are so busy living life, that we merely…
Are You Savvy About Entertaining Clients?
Are You Savvy About Entertaining Clients?…Lunch had me wondering if the guests were at all savvy about entertaining clients…There is usually an intersection where everyday life may teach us business lessons when we pay attention…
Are You Making These Errors?
Are You Making These Errors?…If you are making these errors listed below, today is an excellent time to change your routine. The habits we allow ourselves to get into are sometimes the reason business declines…
Are You Preparing for the Future?
Are You Preparing for the Future?…Tomorrow arrives quickly, yet many are not preparing for the future. Life and career are never a straight path. It is essential we consider the ‘what ifs’ of life. A few conversations reveal what happens when…
Do You Pause to Consider Unique Ideas?
Do You Pause to Consider Unique Ideas?…While most people will advocate their beliefs, it is a small percentage of the population that will pause to consider unique ideas. Experimentation will often propel our success as we journey forth…
Do You Want to Improve Results for Follow-up?
Do You Want to Improve Results for Follow-up?…Business profitability and securing a new job both depend upon precise follow-up. Previously it was written that robots could do tasks involving being precise, but not in the case of building sales with the human touch or changing jobs…
Do You Let Frustration Lead You to Success?
Do You Let Frustration Lead You to Success?…You may be wondering how on earth can frustration lead you to success? It sounds crazy! But sometimes the seemingly absurd will work wonders…
How to Outsmart Decision Fatigue
How to Outsmart Decision Fatigue…How many decisions would you say you make in a day? Twenty? Fifty? What if we told you that Americans, on average, make between 10,000 to 40,000 choices every day. You may be wondering how this is even feasible, but little decisions add up. For example, you may choose to switch…
Do You Believe In Karma?
Do You Believe In Karma?…A surprise email from Jason after many years and a conversation had him say, ‘I believe in karma.’ Many years have passed since we initially met at a business class and several years since speaking to one another…
Are You Using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles?
Are You Using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles?…There are all different sorts of accounting methods that businesses may use and still follow what are called Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. What differs in each of them is recognizing revenues and expenses. One of the most common ones that businesses rely on is…
How Do You Combine Artificial Intelligence with Human Selling?
How do you combine Artificial Intelligence with human selling?…Our beliefs about combining artificial intelligence and human selling are in the beginning phase. The question is, are we willing to consider varying perspectives for a better conclusion?…
4 Ways Personalization Affects B2B Lead Generation
4 Ways Personalization Affects B2B Lead Generation…Personalization of communication almost always gets the attention of its intended audience. Marketing strategies using a generic approach that is intended to connect us with our intended audience no longer works….
What Does Teamwork Mean To You?
What Does Teamwork Mean To You?…Recent interactions with competing companies lead me to asking, ‘What does teamwork mean to you?’ The follow-on question is, does the slogan, ‘All for one and one for all’ include your clientele. Or do you believe…
How Facebook Ads Can Boost Your Sales
How Facebook Ads Can Boost Your Sales…Facebook has an average of 1.52 billion active users daily, which makes it an incredible venue to tap an insane number of potential customers. With this, you can target almost any segment your brand aims to access…
Do You Listen for Possibilities?
Do You Listen for Possibilities?…Today’s topic suggests another soul-searching exercise. Understand that it is a rarity for anyone to be 100% successful with securing sales. Take a deep breath and in a relaxed manner, list out the potential sales you lost …