Do You Know the 13 Incredibly Surprising Email Personalization Statistics?
Do You Know the 13 Incredibly Surprising Email Personalization Statistics?…”Are emails flooding your inboxes?” That’s common nowadays. If it’s happening to you, then…see the Infographic…
Are You Thinking Globally?
Are You Thinking Globally?…Travel changed my perspective from thinking locally to thinking globally. And the moment I saw the announcement of social media, I was all in. The technology brings global thinking to our desktop…
Do You View Sales As A Sport?
Do You View Sales As A Sport?…As I struck out hearing three no’s, I began viewing sales as a sport. At first, the negativity was highly disappointing. But as my mindset started to change to a discovery of the next best strategy, I considered the sports familiar to me. And so began my gaming of sales and building a unique definition of SAAS…
Do You Seek the Better Solution?
Do You Seek the Better Solution?…The pressure of meeting quota or needed income has many overlooking the better solution. Similar to the proverbial ‘rush to judgment’ we experience a ‘rush to sell.’ Being on the buying end becomes highly annoying plus raises doubt and fear for working with the seller…
Do You Reflect On the Past to Improve Your Future?
Do You Reflect On the Past to Improve Your Future?…One question had me reflect on my past and how I came to arrive where I am today. It’s easy to realize now that each decision we make is a step toward our future tomorrow. If only we could recognize the fact when we are young, life might be more relaxed…
Do You Foresee Your Legacy?
Do You Foresee Your Legacy?…Give thought to creating a legacy while you are young. The unique example of the day is that of John McCain; a war hero, a bi-partisan negotiator, and a friend of those with varying perspectives. A legacy isn’t just about wealth, but also of how others remember you. There are many aspects to consider. The first is to be a goal-setter and go-getter, but with scruples intact…
Do You Need to Update Procedures?
Do You Need to Update Procedures?…
Do You Groom Your Connections?
Do You Groom Your Connections?…Prior to entrepreneurship, I saw competition in every regard, including my connections, and relished it, too. Thankfully, marketing people taught me the better approach and how to be a better person. The new training taught me to amplify the work and success of others among my connections…Listen to this In this Sales Talent and Recruitment podcast to learn from top sales influencer Elinor Strutz. Elinor offers her insights into how salespeople can achieve that perfect sales position.
Do You Confidently Tell the Truth?
Do You Confidently Tell the Truth?…According to one person in the news, “The truth isn’t the truth.” Today’s headlines have many of us wondering which way is up! But, the news does guide business for better or for worse; it is a marriage of sorts…
Do You Realize What Sells Best?
Do You Realize What Sells Best?…Most people who are new to sales believe that if they take the trainer’s advice to heart, they will be among those who sell best. However, one quickly realizes that sales are a large puzzle comprised of many small pieces in need of fitting together…
Do You Take Breaks?
Looking forward to a long weekend in New York, we hurriedly parked the car to catch the Metro to catch the bus. In a frenzy, I unwittingly dropped my phone…
Do You Use Same Day Delivery?
Today’s Infographic, ‘Do You Provide Same Day Delivery?’ is provided by Jake Smith, National Sales Manager for Go People…
Do You Have A Core Group to Count On?
Do You Have A Core Group to Count On?…Whispering Energy signaled the significance of the group when I was asked to join. Never before did I agree to share everything I knew with complete strangers. Remarkably we became confident with and dependent upon one another…
Do You Imagine Improvement?
Do You Imagine Improvement? Most salespeople believe that the only people who count at a company are the executives. In their mind, everyone else resides at a low-status level without decision-making authority. Nothing could be further from the truth. Can you imagine the magnitude of possibility by…