Do You Collaborate For Everyone To Achieve More?
Do You Collaborate For Everyone To Achieve More?…It took me a long time to switch from being competitive to realizing I need to collaborate for everyone to achieve more. Every decision we make affects our future. And the one decision to instill a collaborative effort…
Do You Think About Community?
Do You Think About Community…More than ever, many of us do think about community during the pandemic. Restriction on activities has more people than ever in need of support and knowing that others care. The opportunity is here to provide our support however…
What Can The Holidays Teach Us?
What Can The Holidays Teach Us?…You may wonder, what can the holidays teach us when it comes to business? Seven ideas come to mind that complement both the holidays and doing business….
Are You Generating Leads During the Holiday Season?
Generating Leads During the Holiday Season…Every holiday is an opportunity to get some rest, reconnect with relatives and friends, and probably eat more than is recommended for you.
hOn the other hand, if you run a business, you know that it’s challenging to afford to close the whole place down for a few days. Unless, of course, you’ve been shrewd enough…
Are You Ready To Improve Next Year?
Are You Ready To Improve Next Year?…Covid19 initially stopped me in my tracks until I began to figure out how to improve next year. At the start of the pandemic, I didn’t believe enough was in place to continue. Yet, it became more important than ever…
Do You Accept Closed Doors To Move On?
Do You Accept Closed Doors To Move On?…The question of whether you accept closed doors to move on or not has a double-sword edge to it. It is essential to examine alternatives for obtaining a positive answer in the sales environment before we move on. Otherwise, opportunities…
Are You Fearful Of Speaking?
Are You Fearful Of Speaking?…Putting together a single sentence was a struggle. And public speaking sent me running from the room as I was fearful of speaking. But now, I’m communicating at the highest level of value on the world stage…
Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to 2020?
Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to 2020?…Our anxiety-driven year probably has most of us ready to say goodbye to 2020. It is curious how lenient corporate will be on representatives who may not meet their quota this year. Adjusting to remote work…
How Do You Soar High Above Adversity?
How Do You Soar High Above Adversity?…Resiliency is more than bouncing back; I learned on one great and beautiful day. It’s more than saying “Ta-da” over and over, after each fall, and cheering yourself onward once again. My efforts in 2018 to re-enter the demanding world of…
What Will You Improve Today?
What Will You Improve Today?…2020 has been a historical year and our Thanksgiving holiday calls for us to ask ourselves, what will you improve today? While some may complain about restrictions on us as a society, we should be grateful for…
Do You Speak Up to Present Your Viewpoint?
Do You Speak Up to Present Your Viewpoint?…Being disagreements are a daily occurrence; do you speak up to present your viewpoint? Worse than a dispute is when people tend to bully us. The bullying arrives in various ways, including speaking down to us, veiled threats, and undesirable…
Do You Realize When Being Busy Isn’t Good?
Do You Realize When Being Busy Isn’t Good?…What some people do not realize is that being busy isn’t good unless it is part of their plan. Several that I know brag about being unusually active, but their results are at a minimum. Busyness implies…
Do You Believe The Impossible To Be Possible?
Do You Believe The Impossible To Be Possible?…As we announce what we are about to do, most of us will hear others say to us, ‘that’s impossible!’ Maybe it is impossible, or perhaps it won’t be if we honker down to make that ‘something’ become…
Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?
Are You Felling Overwhelmed?…Many of us are feeling overwhelmed due to circumstances beyond our control. Let’s stop to consider turning around the last sentence. When events are beyond our control, is it best to…
Do You Realize Focusing Small Can Pay Off Big?
Do You Realize Focusing Small Can Pay Off Big?…Every ambitious company wants to become as big as Google, Samsung, or Apple. But what many of these small business owners and product managers seem to forget is…
Do You Want To Improve Intra-Office Communication
Do You Want To to Improve Intra-Office Communication…For years, I have been watching startups evolve, grow, and ultimately succeed or fail. Among my many observations, it’s obvious that communication is…
Do You Occasionally Take A Shortcut?
Do You Occasionally Take A Short Cut?…Most of us will occasionally take a shortcut to drive to a destination, if at all possible. But taking a shortcut for business can open up a floodgate of issues that we did not anticipate. The worst outcome…
Are You Ready For Confessions Of A Late Bloomer?
Are You Ready For Confessions Of A Late Bloomer?…My career was in shambles. I felt like the world’s biggest failure as my shiny new opportunity became a tattered cloak over my bruised ego. I was fired from my job. Again. It is not that I was